I am now at one of the members’ parent’s house, which is located at Wakabayashi-Ku, Sendai Miyagi.(with Fumio )
I came here and realized that it was not the earthquake which destroyed this city. It was tsunami. Tsunami destroyed everything, it is nothing but a disaster. Town disappeared and there is only mud left. Around Sendai airport, many cars have turned over, tragically rolled over. Many burnt things, bented iron pillars… The town was reduced to rubbles.... trucks and SDF vehicles are rushing through the unpaved road.
It is really a tragedy. I lost my voice. I don’t have an idea what we should do first. The member (T)’s house was safe. They can manage to live there. Electricity is restored from 2 days ago. To prevent leakage, we wiped off dust and pluged them in. Because of electricity, we can put away things at night.
The clock is stopped at 15: 45, the time when the tsunami came. I met T’s family. Their words made me cry. His sister is very kind and cares about other people. People in Tohoku are really thoughtful, they are so considerate.
This sister's spouse is a teacher of a junior high school. He lost some of his students.
I brought some steamed bun for this family. They told us that it is the first time to have sweets since that earthquake.
It should take so much time for reconstruction. They really need a special support. I heared that the damage of Kesennuma, Rikuzentakata is more than that of Sendai, so I can’t imagine it. 2 stations away from T’s parents has taken away by tsunami, there is nothing left.
There are so many aftershocks. It is such a fear. People in Sendai are having such a hard time that they can’t think about the fear of nuclear power plant yet.
Fukushima is now isolated. Many more support is necessary for Fukushima. I went near Tamura village. I saw a mountain. This is the place where Yo-chan’s house is located. It is such a beautiful place. We need to save this place. We have to think about what to do with the nuclear power plant. We cannot leave this problem away.
Could someone please let me have the correct information about the nuclear power plant. If we have the correct, right information, we won’t have to fear about it too much. We are worried because we don’t have enough information. People in Tohoku are even more.
Last night, we gathered to pray. We sang “Matomashiro”. It is a Yamato requiem song.
Actually, so many people had passed away. Everyone is lost in their grief. SDF of Japan, rescue teams from all around the world are here. But there are lots to do, it is very difficult to catch up.
Tsunami is too much. When I saw the damage, I lost my voice. There is no blood, but it seems like as if I am in a battlefield, it's not rustling but a wet battlefield. There are so many cars and houses covered with mud.
I wished it is a dream, I wished that the disaster I see is a toy shrinked into a small scale. But this is reality. At night, I am momentarily under the illusion that everything I saw was a dream, but when sun rises, I realize that it is real. The victims are spending these nights and day, from the day of the earthquake. I can’t imagine how painful it is...
It is difficult to express into words. My hands are shaking and it took me such a long time to hit this emai. I am sending this email because I want to let you know what I have seen. I am going back to Tokyo tomorrow night.
Yours sincerely.
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